Lucas Wachs
When winter hits, Lucas Wachs is a man on a mission. The Bend, Oregon-native has made a name for himself as a skier whose smooth, hard-charging style emanates on every run. Over the years, Wachs has filmed with Matchstick Productions, Level 1 Productions, Good Company and others, edging him into the skiing spotlight as a high-flying, pillow-bombing shredder with a knack for big airs & big tricks.
In the fall of 2019, Wachs teamed up with 10 Barrel Brewing Company to present a short film that’s designed to have you drooling over winter. Wachs This premiered at 10 Barrel’s Portland brewery, Featuring footage from British Columbia, Washington and around his home in Oregon, Wachs This is the culmination of Wachs’ most successful ski trips of 2018-19. To get the scoop on the collaboration between Wachs and 10 Barrel, FREESKIER gave Lucas a ring last week. Here’s what he had to say…