Trevor Kennison
You’ve probably witnessed Trevor Kennison’s enormous send into Corbet’s Couloir. You’ve heard about the sit-skier who throws backflips and skis the park. But there’s more to Trevor’s story than meets the eye: Years of hard work, training and rehabilitation after a devastating injury are just now culminating in acclaim and recognition. Riding for the SPY+ team and filming a multu-year documentary with Level 1 Productions founder, Josh Berman, Kennison is quickly skyrocketing to the top of the sport, checking off sit-ski “firsts” nearly every time he hits the slopes. With his new edit, “Day 1” taking over the internet, FREESKIER put me on assignment to interview Trevor about his trajectory in the ski world. Keep reading for our exclusive conversation about quarantine life, getting back into the backcountry and wanting to boost doubles, ski couloirs and do everything possible on one ski.