Joey Korenman
In the fast-paced world of motion design and animation, Joey Korenman and his online learning platform, School of Motion, are taking the creative community by storm. Since humbly launching over a decade ago with just a handful of video tutorials, the digital education hub has become known as the paramount resource for emerging motion designers, 3D animators, and graphic artists looking to up their knowledge of Adobe After Effects. At the same time, Korenman’s name has become synonymous with motion graphics education, success, and helping others find fruitful freelance careers.
Within his niche freelance-design community, Korenman is “the guy to know.” A former creative director working for some of the biggest brands around—McDonalds, Progressive, and Subway, just to name a few—Korenman first stepped into teaching at the Ringling College of Art & Design. Quickly, though, he pivoted his focus to School of Motion and this set Korenman on his current trajectory.
Today, Korenman is one of the most influential educators for in his community; he’s the author of a best-selling book about the freelance lifestyle; and his efforts at School of Motion have grown it into a globally recognized resource on the topic. Here, you’ll hear Joey’s first-hand advice on mentorship, becoming an impactful collaborator, and how to broaden the scope of your creativity.